

Discovery and Reporting

Identify and report on entire SharePoint environment – farms, servers, and unknown situations. Site Administrator identifies and reports on entire SharePoint environment – farms, servers, and unknown situations to facilitate an understanding of it. Site Administrator enables this by provisioning tools and reports through a web-based interface in a security-trimmed environment.

Prepare Before You Migrate

Discover the true extent of a SharePoint
environment. Helps in discovering the true extent of a SharePoint environment, prioritize content through context reports, and begin a smooth migration with no hitches.

Extensive Security Control

A security explorer that simplifies SharePoint security, with point-and-click permissions management. Site Administrator permits the search of a user and access to rights (with any status) from within the search results and reports.

Operational Auditing

Create simple and interactive reports to enable successful decision-making. Site Administrator creates simple and interactive reports for analysis, by tracking user activity, aggregating content, and security modifications happening across the sites and site collections. This enables a successful decision-making by administrators and content owner.

Growth Management and Forecast

Enable monitoring of growth trends and protection of SharePoint from out-of-control growth and content sprawl. Site Administrator enables monitoring of growth trends over time and protection of a SharePoint from out-of-control growth and content sprawl while planning for future expansions. It also runs a report and then acts within that same dashboard, enforce content versions and structure across an environment.